ignition technology
Please select the desired ignition product!
No matter whether you are interested in the 123\ignition (16 adjustable advance curves), the 123\TUNE (programmable advance curves), the 123\Big-Fat-Spark (ignition booster) or the cost-saving alternative from Pertronix, the Ignitor, you are in good hands with us.
After having selected an ignition product on the left, enter the make of your vehicle (e. g. Mercedes) into the field "searchstring / product no." in the upper left corner and hit 'Enter'. You'll be presented with all ignition products related to the make of your vehicle for convenient shopping.
We give advise, we convert and we stock many distributors for you. We cannot perform magic, but we already have fulfilled many wishes. Should you have problems finding the right distributor for your vehicle, drop us a line (info@brits-n-pieces.com) or call us (+49 2452 95746-61). We are confident to find a solution for your problem.
Please select the desired ignition product!
No matter whether you are interested in the 123\ignition (16 adjustable advance curves), the 123\TUNE (programmable advance curves), the 123\Big-Fat-Spark (ignition booster) or the cost-saving alternative from Pertronix, the Ignitor, you are in good hands with us.
After having selected an ignition product on the left, enter the make of your vehicle (e. g. Mercedes) into the field "searchstring / product no." in the upper left corner and hit 'Enter'. You'll be presented with all ignition products related to the make of your vehicle for convenient shopping.
We give advise, we convert and we stock many distributors for you. We cannot perform magic, but we already have fulfilled many wishes. Should you have problems finding the right distributor for your vehicle, drop us a line (info@brits-n-pieces.com) or call us (+49 2452 95746-61). We are confident to find a solution for your problem.